
Our Story and Starting Point

There used to be 3 healing brothers. The youngest
would prepare medicine for sick people, find treatments, gives massages, he relieves the greatest pain in the most spectacular way.His fame spread all over the country. Middle brother would eliminate the symptoms of disease as soon as he finds them. His fame only spread to his own neighborhood. The oldest brother senses diseases even before it occurs, prevents patients from all symptoms without suffering anything. His name is not well-known because he prevents diseases in advance.

Why did we start like this?
As Plantero, we want to be that 'big brother' in all the lives we can touch. Because we know that by eating healthy, just like in this story inspired us, we can enable our body to protect ourselves and become more resistant, we can keep potential discomfort away from ourselves and our loved ones.


Our Place In Nature

In fact, when establishing Plantero, first of all, we wanted to understand where is our place in nature. 
We thought about the relief we felt when we put our feet on the ground. We thought about the tree leaves turning yellow in autumn. We thought about our communication with animals and plants. We thought about the impact of our diet on our body and soul. Ultimately, we begin to move forward by re-evaluating our relationship with the earth. Was the world really created with all its aspects for human beings? Climate crisis, declining species, increasing human population, limited world resources and among all these; the huge impact we can create with the tiny changes we make in our daily lives... 

This is what excites us the most. Because while you are healing in nature and being satisfied with the blessing of nature, it is our responsibility to protect it. And we wanted to do our part in this regard, we produced nature friendly vegan foods.


Everything that nature leaves out is also outside Plantero

Plantero products; does not contain preservatives, artifical flavors, antibiotics or GMOs. Potential allergenic to the majority of the world's population, it does not contain lactose, soy or gluten. No ingredients of animal origin and is not tested on animals. Because everything that nature leaves out is also outside Plantero.


We make healthy eating easier

Food supplements one of the most practical ways to meet our body's needs. But finding the right supplements is not easy, there are even dozens of unknowns. We know that you get confused because of unknown words. That's exactly why we produce clean labeled, delicious and vegan Plantero Protein Mixes and Plantero Plant-Based Milk Concentrates with the motto of bot taking care of ourselves and our world. Wr reach the right suppliers and use the most qualified raw materials. Like we said before our goal is to be the 'big brother' who makes it easier to stay healthy. We are committed to offering budget friendly prices for Plantero's plant based food supplements and continuing this mission.


Let's take care of ourselves and our world

In order to feed farm animals and therefore produce

meat and dairy products, 83% of agricultural land is

used. As agricultural areas become insufficient, carbon

storage forests are being destroyed. Water use in meat

production is also astronomical. It takes 13.000 liters of

water waste to bring 1 kg of meat to our table. So

actually the smallest amount of animal food is a burden

compare to plant based alternatives. Knowing that all

this accelerates climate change, we believe that

heading to vegan diets will heal us and our world.

Being vegan is a personal decision and we are aware

that it involves a big change. But even by reducing

animal food consumption, we can do something good

for the ecosystem. Plantero Almond Milk Base uses up

to 90% less water compared to animal milk; you can

use Plantero Protein Powder using 4 to 7 times less

water. We produce with sustainable production



We make healthy eating easier

Food supplements are one of the most practical ways to meet our body's needs. But finding the right supplements is not easy, we know that there are even dozens of unknown words which confuses you. That's exactly why we produce clean labeled, delicious and vegan Plantero plant based products with tho motto of both taking care of ourselves and our world. We reach the right suppliers and use the most qualified raw materials. Like we said before our goal is to be the 'big brother' who makes it easier to stay healthy. We are committed to offering budget friendly prices for Plantero's plant based food supplements and continuing this mission.

Join Our Family!



The Plantero Ambassador Program is designed for anyone who wants to share Plantero with their friends, family, and community. Whether you're a professional chef, home cook, dietitian or nutritionist, social media influencer, college student, or an enthusiastic member of our community, we provide you with a platform to share Plantero and earn commissions/privileges. All you have to do is sign up and help promote our products.